by Ellie | Mar 10, 2017 | blog, Uncategorized
WHAT IS LENT, OTHER THAN THINKING SOLEMN THOUGHTS ABOUT CHRIST’S SUFFERING AND MAYBE GIVING UP CHOCOLATE? ? Brennan Manning has some pertinent things to say in his book, The Furious Longing of God. When preached purely, [God’s] Word exalts, frightens, shocks,...
by Ellie | Feb 24, 2017 | blog, Uncategorized
DON’T UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF A SMALL LIGHT BULB! Setting: Our week at a resort in Florida. Causal agency: A failed light bulb on one side of a step-down into the living area. Action: Call Maintenance, and Freddie comes to our door, replacement bulb in hand....
by Ellie | Feb 10, 2017 | blog, Uncategorized
HAVE YOU EVER CONSIDERED THE PHYSICAL SENSATION OF LOVE? Valentine’s Day is coming up, but it’s my love for God I’m trying to parse. What does love feel like? Wikipedia gives information, including three Greek words for love—eros, phileo, and agape, the latter being...
by Ellie | Jan 27, 2017 | blog, Uncategorized
HAVE YOU READ 2 KINGS RECENTLY? Seat belts are recommended for your reading comfort. Currently I’m reading about Jehu—the guy who drove his chariot like a maniac (2 Kings 9:20). Secretly anointed by the prophet Elisha to replace King Joram of Israel, Jehu sets in...
by Ellie | Dec 16, 2016 | blog, Uncategorized
HOW COULD SOLOMON, THE WISEST MAN EVER, DO SUCH A DUMB THING? The man had everything. The Queen of Sheba couldn’t believe the reports until she saw it herself. “Your wisdom and wealth—unbe-LIEVable! Praise be to the Lord your God, who placed you on the throne of...
by Ellie | Dec 2, 2016 | blog, Uncategorized
WHAT COUNTRY WAS THE FIRST TRULY CHRISTIAN NATION? I couldn’t have told you, either, until I read about St. Gregory the Illuminator. Pretty amazing story! Gregory was born in Armenia, and when his family was about to be slaughtered, his Christian nanny fled with the...