Good Thursday

I struggle reading parts of the Bible. I don’t  mean Leviticus or Judges. I’m talking Jesus’ crucifixion. It’s like I’m there on the cross, with Him. My sins are there, for sure, but I find my heart there, as well. Lent, in itself, is okay—doing soul prep,...

Things That Sound Good Aren’t Always

Me ‘n Jim have done some Really Dumb Things in our lives, mostly out of ignorance. Here are two choice ones: Number One: We got a dog. A man up the street raised German Shepherds and had a 6-monther he wanted to get rid of. We and our three young kids were...

A God Thing

!!!!! God often gets blamed for the bad stuff that happens in life, but once in a while I have to say, “Only God could have done that!” ~Check This One~ At 6:45 AM every Thursday, Dave picks up Jim to go to a men’s Bible study, followed by breakfast with the...


If you’ve read my novel, ̛this blog picks up on an unpresentable task faced by the main character. Fasten your seatbelt and proceed—with caution.  The Bible tells us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made Psalm (139:14). Think of the complexity of our bodies:...

The Final Word

Does your gut kick up a fuss over Good Friday like mine does? I FEEL the pain of it all—too much. My head tells me that Jesus’ crucifixion brought life to my soul, but my heart agonizes over the unfathomable price tag. Good Friday takes me back 60 years to a sermon...


Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me! John Newton, who wrote these words, was indeed a wretch in his slave-hauling business but was gloriously saved. I, however, have a bit of trouble with the word. I was practically born in church and...