God - Who is He really? What does He ask of us?
Jeth Cavanaugh is searching for a new life along one of Pennsylvania’s mountain ridges when he stumbles upon a stable of show jumpers owned by Rob and Katie Chilton. Throw in a volatile stallion named Dynamo, and Jeth will do anything to work there. Jeth earns his living by training and showing Rob’s jumpers, but Dynamo is his primary passion.
Everything changes when God enters his life—in the unconventional form of a hard slap by an old girlfriend—and ignites a new, greater passion within Jeth. But along with fervor comes fear at the undeniable evidence of God’s hand on his life. Inexplicable events, both good and bad, make him moan plaintively, “Why does God do this to me? I get the feeling I’m being set up for something.”
He is, indeed. Jeth’s life is anything but predictable, much like the God he serves. The real Dynamo and his ultimate trainer emerge out of an excruciating mix of disaster and brokenness, which are never beyond the reach of redemption.
This story is God in your face: Who is He really? What does He ask of us?
DYNAMO appears to be available on Amazon only as an ebook or used. If you prefer a new, autographed copy, email me. The cost is $12, postpaid.
For a laugh, look at my bumbling, homemade video, click on this: http-::youtu.be:jdEvOFyAe3E

What readers are saying
Lots to ponder here in Eleanor Gustafson’s new novel DYNAMO. This not an easy-read, but certainly a MUST-READ. Whether or not you agree with the author’s intriguing portrayal of God’s active role in shaping our lives and relationships, this story will challenge your concept of God. (And, yes, everyone – from atheist to agnostic to believer – has some kind of “theology” about God!) You will find truth intertwined in Ellie’s skillful weaving together of the tapestry of characters – human and equine. This is a real-life drama wrapped up in a DYNAMO package.
How do you transform a broken, bitter man into a power that brings healing and restoration wherever he goes, while restoring to him what his greatest enemy has stolen? Eleanor Gustafson takes on the challenge of writing the story of how the God of the universe might take on this challenge. It is a fictional story of mythical truth, joy, and hope, wrapped around a setting of horses, training, and competition. The horsey bits are flat-out fun. The reader can learn quite a bit during the story, or can rely on the glossary of terms. The characters are well drawn. if some of the events seem too far fetched, what would one expect from a book trying to allow for the supernatural hand behind the scenes? This book is not escapist, but a challenging ‘what if?’ to people who are searching for more. The wrap-up is not as smooth as it could have been, but it does not disappoint.
On a personal note, I had recently been praying to be a weapon in the hand of God, but a weapon of mass creation and healing, not a weapon of destruction. Shortly after praying this, I was able to read this book. Be encouraged, people. He is still VERY involved on this planet.
Received the book last Thursday, started reading and couldn’t put it down. Was up till 1:35 am Sat morning reading and got up at 6 am to continue reading. I finished it last Saturday night after celebrating my birthday party. I AM NOT a reader. I think the last book I read cover to cover was six years ago. Being involved with horses, I found that Eleanor stepped up to the plate with her knowledge of horses and horsemanship. Her passion to reach the unbeliever comes out very clearly, and her knowledge of scripture is evident as she places the right verses in the right places at the right times that would make a nonbeliever stand up or in most cases kneel down and take notice. The twist and turns of Dynamo will have you wanting for more. As a non-book reader, I highly recommend this book and hope someday it would come out as a movie. It has everything to make a good one.
This is an amazing, passionate story about loss, unconditional love and transformation. An excellent read.
Love horses? Love God? Love a good read? Then you will love Dynamo! A wonderful story about love, redemption and how God interposes Himself in our lives in the most unexpected ways!
Content Copyright 2018 - Eleanor Gustafson