A Tale of Two Chaplains

Chris Ziegler has been called to serve the Massachusetts National Guard as chaplain and will help support field hospitals for homeless and other COVID-positive patients. He asks prayer for protection from the virus as they fight this hidden enemy—fear being a major...

Fake News, or the Real Deal?

Is the resurrection of Jesus Christ REALLY true, or is it fake news? We’ve heard of “resurrections”— people declared dead who came back to life—but even Lazarus died again. Jesus, however, was unmistakably dead. Roman soldiers could not afford to mistake a swoon for...

God Cares

  WHO IS THIS BOY? Where is he from? What are his prospects? EUGENE ONCHIRI wants to be an engineer. BIG PROBLEM: He lives in the largest slum in Africa and can’t afford the fees for an outside, boarding high school. No sponsor; no further schooling for this...

Funeral for a House

730 Broadway, Haverhill MA, was an important address for countless people. Jim and I lived there for 10 years, preceded and followed by many West Church pastors and assorted friends. Built in 1856, the house had character. On the cold, November day we moved in, this...

Did Laughter Evolve?

Wikipedia defines laughter as “a physical reaction in humans, consisting usually of rhythmical, often audible contractions of the diaphragm and other parts of the respiratory system. It is a response to certain external or internal stimuli.” Now you know—maybe. We all...