I’m reading some interesting books, though my understanding of scientific terms is sketchy. A person born with zero math genes should shy away from such books, but I wade in fearlessly, grasping what I can.
There’s a major war going on between Evolutionists and Intelligent Design folk. Did the universe—which everyone agrees did have a beginning (Planet Earth included)—develop through natural means, or through a Designer? Solid evidence supports both views. Darwin put natural, macro-evolution on the map, and scientists aligned with the Intelligent folk have dug their own trenches. Both battlelines are peopled with astrophysicists, microbiologists, cosmologists, geophysicists, mathematicians. Plus me, who had trouble grasping long division back in fifth grade!
Natural selection—versus the incredibly designed “factory” inside a single cell.
Charles Darwin and his Adversaries

Back and forth. Neither side, however, talks about the sin problem. Sin may not apply to the larger universe of quarks, quasars, and black holes, but it’s a definite problem on this planet. It required our Designer to step into Time and Space and redeem the mess AND rise from the dead. For me, the resurrection is THE indicator of truth.
Another book draws a beautiful picture of Ultimate Design. We live in a space-time universe, a very large “bubble” of astro-stuff, in which space-time is a material construct. We’re stuck here for life. For each of us, though, there’s an exit door called DEATH. We step through that door into the Designer’s Reality—no material space or time constraints! An environment of Love, Beauty, Freedom, Joy, Peace, Relationship with the Designer and with those who have gone before.
REAL LIfe begins!
I’m ready. Are you?

God have mercy on the materialists!
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Blog received. I was denied access to reply on egus@me.com.
Thanks, Judy! Maybe your email address wants to stick with its own kind! : )
Love your mind & your style, Ellie!!!
Thanks much, Jeanne! This was a tough one—in many ways! Blessings!
Bless you back!!! 🩵💪🌎
Thank you for this timely blog. Pascal, knowing it could not be absolutely proven, either way, suggested that a wager be made. Bet on God and design. If it is not true, you lose nothing; if it is true, you have gained everything!
That’s a great quote, Lowell! Thanks so much for giving Pascal one more small platform!
I just finished Darwin’s Doubt by Stephen Meyer. It’s a tough read but well worth the effort to slog through it. My experience is that the materialists’ arguments are extremely weak. They resort to an assortment of smoke and mirrors often talking around the issue instead of defending their position with real evidence. Richard Dawkins is probably the worst of the bunch although Eugenie Scott, Jerry Coyne and Neil deGrasse Tyson run close behind. If they spent less time mudslinging and mouthing propaganda, they might be worth listening to. Micro evolution is obvious because it can be observed but Darwinism cannot explain how new body plans and completely new types of organisms can be created incrementally by random mutations and natural selection. The Cambrian Explosion still has the materialists flummoxed and frustrated. Books by Hugh Ross and Michael Behe are also wonderfully educational. That we are here on this planet by accident is simply statistically impossible. You don’t need to be a math genius to come to that conclusion.
Yes, all those books by brainy scientists are a tough slog, but in reading around the edges of the jargon, they are well worth the effort. Even atheists don’t know what to do with the complexity inside a single cell!
Hugh Ross is so interesting and mostly understandable! A Keeper!
Yes, I got my “universe-bubble” idea from him, and yes, he does speak my language, more or less! Thanks much for mentioning him.
Ellie, you’re amazing! I love that you still at it!
Kathy bayek
Thanks much, Kathy. I’m sort of amazed, as well! : )
Hey Ellie,
I love what you wrote about the exit door of death when we step into the Designer’s reality! I fully agree that is when real life begins. Thank you for your insight! I liked my fathers-in-law’s quote too! Always better to go with God! Love you, Kathy Sykes
Thanks much, Kathy, for your good words about the door of Death. I think that idea came through one of Hugh Ross’s books. He’s an excellent communicator about Design. Love you back!
A true reality Ellie,
Thank you for your educational blog, Ellie. We are not in this world by chance, nor did we evolve from apes and monkeys. Many people follow and believe in the Darwinian myth of evolution. The question is: Why are monkeys still in our forests? It is to prove that evolution is not true. We have God, the intelligent designer, who awaits us, for it is appointed for men to die once, and after this, the judgment (Hebrews 9:27).
Thanks, Hillary. You grasp the significance of the complex evidences of design in the material world. Only God could bring all this to pass. May God have mercy on those who disavow our Creator God!