A church small-group was discussing personal commitment to Christ and how to translate it into everyday life, relationships, and business affairs. One man asked, “What would actually happen if I did business the way Christ wants me to? It could mean financial ruin!”
Silence. Then another man turned to him. “And what will happen if you don’t? What KIND of ruin do you want?”
The cost of discipleship is high, but the cost of NOT following Christ is far higher.
I don’t want to be simplistic here. Having to live poor is tough. Been there, done that. Our first baby’s clothing consisted of hand-me-downs that I had to mend. Poverty has many causes, and some sorts do
result from bad choices.
Financial ruin is indeed costly, but spiritual ruin is the pits. Think Prodigal Son. He thought he had it all—plenty of money, handsome future, endless fun, and no rigidly moral brother on his back. He crawled home a beggar and discovered the greatest of all legacies–GRACE.
What does our spiritual legacy consist of? Heaven, yes, and that’s huge. But our gold bullion is our RELATIONSHIPS:
- with Jesus (who makes God visible)
- with all the saints in heaven
- with our Christian brothers and sisters still hanging around this poor, sick earth
- with needy, hurting people who are desperate for even a small touch of love.
Yes, for short-sighted people, following this God person could result in financial ruin, but turning away from Christ would mean utter calamity on every level of life AND death.
What shape does your wealth take, and how do you use it? I love hearing your stories. Comment below, or email egus@me.com
One of the consequences of reading the Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard was that I realized that every aspect of my life had to be conducted in a manner that was pleasing to the LORD, God, the Almighty. This included the way I ran my business in dealing with customers, suppliers, competitors, staff, and the community in which I lived and worked. It affected my relationship with family, friends, and church. No aspect of my life was untouched; all governed by Christ’s prayer that God’s will would be done on earth as it is done in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Did my business fail? NO! It continued to meet the needs of my family and that is all He promised. Matt 6:33
Hi Ellie,
This is a great topic and I wonder how many people have thought about this. I know some people who are very rich financially yet look to me like the most unhappy. Material things, vacations, big homes, the best cars, and constantly watching over it all without emotions for anything else. If they knew God they could know their real treasure. He is the treasure of my heart and home. My hope is in him.
I remember once upon a time one of my boys made a comment about us being poor. I think because I was a single Mom with many kids and we didn’t go on extended vacations he thought this was true. I have struggled at times and had to ask for help during these tough times but I have never felt poor. I told him if he thinks we are poor then h e didn’t know what poor was. A roof over our head, a car to get us around, food on the table every night and we never lost our utilities for non-payment. I call that living on the high horse! Most of all I have Jesus Christ to guide me and comfort me when I need him. So in my book I am the wealthiest woman on the planet.