This is a different sort of blog. As other authors have helped promote my books, so I take pleasure in featuring Carole Brown’s latest inspirational novel—Caleb’s Destiny.

Who is Carole Brown? An author of ten books, she loves to weave suspense and tough topics along with a touch of romance and whimsy. She and her husband reside in SE Ohio but have ministered and counseled nationally and internationally. Together, they enjoy their grandsons, traveling, gardening, good food, and the simple life.

Carole’s ministry with Native Americans caught my attention, as my An Unpresentable Glory also has an Indian thread. She and her husband served in Arizona and New Mexico, doing everything from carpentry and vehicle repair, to making flat bread and weaving. Outdoor meals with the nationals included such exotica as fried sheep’s intestines!

What is Caleb’s Destiny about? Mr. Michael, Destiny Rose McCulloch, and Hunter have a mysterious history. Why were three fathers who had been business partners, murdered under suspicious circumstances while on their quest to find gold? Destiny came west to find a little boy she’d known years ago. He would be grown by now…if he’s still alive. Three children, connected through tragedy and separated by time, are fated to reunite and re-right some powerful wrongs.

I have not finished reading the book, but the early chapters grabbed me. I think you would enjoy it. Here’s one reviewer comment:

“Fans of historical fiction with all the romance and suspense of classic westerns will find much to love.  ~Lisa J. Lickel.

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A quick postscript

Today—far removed from the Wild West—my heart is in Africa with Kibera slum children whose only escape is through education. Anajali School  does a great job with younger students, but the plan to build a high school needs money just to get electricity onto the land. Here’s the deal: If you give at least $15 to the project, we’ll send you your choice of two books: Dynamo is fiction, When We Were Your Age features old folks telling about their childhood. Email or to get  the info you’ll need. I begs, I pleads: A WORTHY CAUSE.

Would love your thoughts on all of the above, so please P a PS—below, or email