We just got home from a trip to Florida. Do I hear you say BOR-ING? Maybe yes, maybe no. I’ll try to make this a different sort of travelogue.
Direction 1: The weather was just fine—a little rain here and there, a lot of clouds and only a few days of shorts weather, BUT, compared to the frigid north, we’ll take mediocre any day. Our timeshare points covered not only a full week in the Florida resort, but also gave us five additional motel nights. Free is definitely good. Our “new” car behaved nicely, and Jim did a fine job of driving 99.9% of the way. I served only as drowse relief. And of course, great scenery.
Direction 2: Went to church four times over three Sundays and in addition attended two Sunday school classes. We fed long at that trough. Visited two sisters (aka Parkinson’s and Broken Arm), a niece, three cousins, three school friends from way back, four long-time Haverhill friends, two spiritual soul-mates, a retired missionary couple, two brand-new friends, and an England connection who impacted our lives profoundly years ago.
Do you get the picture that our preferred mode of travel is relational? Our friends and family are indeed our most treasured possession. I also did some heavy-duty relating on the tail end of the trip, at an event in Hershey PA for Christian retailers. Spoke for 5 minutes on the effectiveness of fiction in helping

Back to Direction 1: Came home exhausted.
Got to thinking: Which way is my travelvane pointing? Does it tend toward mostly logistical stuff—chore lists, household maintenance, TV programs? Or do I focus on people, including the tough ones in my own household or job? I’m suggesting it should be God who matters most of all. After all, that’s my Ultimate Journey—not toward some million-dollar mansion or perfect health, but toward the One who loves me deeply and offers a relationship that will likely burst my heart with joy.
Want to be truly loved? Join me on that trip. Guaranteed—it won’t be boring.
“toward the One who loves me deeply and offers a relationship that will likely burst my heart with joy.”
I forget this all the time, get bogged down. How could I forget this?
I’m pointing true north now.
Great blog.
“Our preferred mode of travel is relational.” I love that. Sometimes we think so much about the location of our holidays that we forget it can also be about the heart. Thanks!
Dear Ellie,
Loved reading about your “relational” travels. Glad you both are able to do all this–Enjoy!