Linda Jensen leads a relatively quiet life in Westchester County, New York, as the owner of a highly-acclaimed garden. Inherited from her parents, the garden is her pride and joy. What is not so joyful is finding a strange man sprawled near her delphiniums! The mysterious man is sick, unable to do anything more than drink water—and beg for secrecy. Ignoring all alarm bells, Linda sees to his needs, but her caring act takes on unexpected significance, an unpresentable glory.


On Speaking Terms . . .

The most important question you’ll ever have to answer is, Do you believe in God? The second most important question: How will your answer affect the rest of your life and beyond? I believe in God for two starter reasons: The Big Bang, and the Intelligence that's...

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Reepicheeps They’re Not

REEPICHEEP, the unlikely mouse hero of Narnia’s Prince Caspian, devoted himself, body and soul, to the lion king, Aslan. Not only can I tolerate that sort of mouse, but honor it. A noble animal. I, though, have been surrounded, so it seems, by hordes of the less...

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Doorstep to a New Novel

IN MY LAST BLOG, I promised a preview of my almost-finished novel, An Unpresentable Glory. A quick overview (aka Elevator Pitch): Un.pre.sent.a.ble Glo.ry noun The spiritual reward for helping a desperate stranger do the unmentionable. The return from sneaking a God...

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Growing Things

Summer is upon us, a time for reaping the harvest of seeds sown. I dug in garlic cloves last fall and was surprised to see sprouts in March, despite our long, frigid winter. Early this spring, I sowed a mix of greens, the thinnings of which can now round out a...

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Long, Hard Days on our Camel

Getting to and from my Wheaton College 60th class reunion had us humping across looonnnnngg stretches of asphalt desert. Think Syracuse NY (well, actually Homer) to Portage IN = 650 miles, 11 hours. Think St. Joseph Island, Ontario, back to Homer = 700+ miles, 12...

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Author Eleanor Gustafson

Content Copyright 2018 - Eleanor Gustafson