My COFFIN, stored in our garage!
It came about like this:
Several years ago, we began thinking ahead—to a funeral director. A lengthy visit got our package settled. When inquiring about cremation, however, we learned that disposable caskets were pricy. Hmm…son Lee is good at building things; might he throw together some pine scraps for a basic coffin? He agreed, got measurements, and shoved the project to the future. The other day, however, he and Heidi came from Vermont to visit our new, assisted-living digs—bringing the coffin in their pickup truck. “Have coffin; will travel.”
Where to store it, though? It’s now in our garage—the house, at this point, not being sold—though Heidi suggested we might consider using it as a coffin table.
A dead body is, well…dead. No life in it. A bit of dust. We remember the dead, but that person’s life choices determine his/her ultimate end. I made my choice and know that my real life will never end. I no longer need the bag of dust that’s left behind. Even my ashes mean nothing. When children outgrow their clothing, it gets tossed. I’m even questioning a grave marker. We have a cemetery site and had planned to plant the ashes there. There is some value to that. Being into genealogy, I have toured many cemeteries to find my ancestors. I think of Jesus at the last supper—“This do in remembrance of me.” Gone…but not forgotten.
The customs surrounding death tend to preserve bodies. Think Egyptian pyramids and their embalming methods. Today, we dress up death as best we can. Pricy caskets, flowers, lengthy car parades to the cemetery. Remembering is good; prolonging or decorating a life that no longer exists is not.
When will I die? Who knows, though I wouldn’t mind if it were next week! The coffin’s ready; I’m ready!
“Where, O death, is your victory?
Where, O death, is your sting?”
The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But THANKS BE TO GOD! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Cor. 15:55-57)
What’s your view of the future? I’d love to hear your take on this, either by commenting below, or on egus@me.com.
Love your refreshing candor!
Some might think morose but I say practical and kingdom minded!
Love that about you, my dear spiritual mom!
Until we can face death squarely, we’re not prepared to do life. Thanks, Charlie!
Thank you Ellie for sharing. I know it will scare some people as they read especially in our context. But I thank God, it’s a reality.
When you write with a red pen, it shows the seriousness and readiness for the day that awaits us. The day of departure. It is imminent and we are drawing closer to that day. To those who have loved and received Jesus, “His words, ” In a little while, you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me….(John 16:17). It will be a bold reality. And so with you, Jesus said, “Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy(John 16:22). We’ll miss people, but we’ll join them those who have gone ahead of us.
Good observations, Hillary. We have only a dim view of the inevitable Day that’s ahead of us, and being prepared by loving and receiving Jesus, as you say, if of vital importance. I’m ready, and I’ll see you there!
A life truly surrendered and lived for the Lord! Love you!
Love you back, Dusty! And we WILL be together, one fine day! : )
Amen! Christians may well differ in the specific details of how they want their dead bodies treated. But the main focus for us is on Jesus Christ and His resurrection. And because he rose, we who are in him, will rise together with him. And forevermore praise him, singing, “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain…”
The end is always nearer now than when we first believed! But yes, please leave a stone in place for future genealogy-loving folks . . .
Good advice, Sally! Paying for it, though, is the big/expensive question! : )
Of course we will be happy to exchange these old bodies for new glorious ones to be able to praise God forever, but the coffin is a labor of love from your son! Use it and put a good marker for future generations!! I just found my gr gr gr grandfathers stone in a Prairie cemetery in Iowa with an engraved hand and the first finger pointing upward. It makes me think I will meet him someday!!
My brother said he wanted to be cremated and his ashes thrown to the winds. Why, I asked. So I can see if God can find me. I’m sorry he thought of that first. But I’ll just be sitting at the base of the throne waiting for him. Then we can go explore. I’m headed out into the cosmos so I can hear the morning stars sing. I expect he’ll come too. But we’ll be back in time to sing Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of sabaoth.
We paid for our cremation 50 years ago. The funeral home keeps calling to try to add items for us to pay for. We answer, “no”.
Yeah, they’re always looking for ways that would help pay their bills! : )
For Lowell et All:
“Worthy is the Lamb” sung by Hillsong Music on Youtube!