Me ‘n Jim have done some Really Dumb Things in our lives, mostly out of ignorance. Here are two choice ones:

Number One:

We got a dog. A man up the street raised German Shepherds and had a 6-monther he wanted to get rid of. We and our three young kids were living in the Parsonage, and a dog sparked interest.

We named him Beowulf after an Old English epic poem. The name seemed to fit.

Sounds good so far. But the dog was terrified, Rachel was terrified, and it took a while for everyone to settle in. Which we did. I have this marvelous photo of Lee’s head resting on the sleeping dog—if I could only find it.

Beowulf, however, was not friendly to strangers, and a parsonage has frequent visitors. The only person he greeted with great passion was the former owner, who occasionally “borrowed” this beautiful dog for breeding purposes. Beowulf knew which side his bread was buttered!

I knew nothing about training dogs, and my vain attempts belong under my Regular Dumb Things list. I did everything wrong, and everyone pretty much hated the dog.

We had him roughly 4 years before bones started breaking. First one leg, then the second. We were sad to say goodbye to this “friend,” but life did become easier.

Number Two:

We bought a travel trailer—roughly 23 feet long. Camping here and there sounded great. We took it to a friend’s place in Maine (getting lost on hilly roads enroute) and camped once at a park. Okay, the travel part was off-putting, but having some conveniences at our Vermont woodland sounded good. Our far-distant spring provided “running” water when carried to the tank, plus the workable bathroom required a modest septic hole. And then mice that soiled tableware and chewed blankets….

By God’s grace, we were able to give the trailer to a dealer who eventually sold it.

Lessons learned, but we also learned the art of Living in and Trusting God—handy for challenges that come with old age.

Bonus—#3—We climbed a MOUNTAIN (my very first) on our honeymoon! It did NOT go well.

Any dumb things you’re willing to share?  Describe below, or email