The house of my birth

How many places have you lived over the course of your life? Here’s my list:

Wheaton College

~Branchville, NJ, born at home on Wantage Ave, on one of the coldest days on record.

~Wheaton College, Illinois, dorm for two years, private house for two.

~Winfield IL, our first together apartment, one baby.

~Pasadena CA, seminary years, two houses, a miscarriage (another child to meet in heaven), followed by another baby.

~Boston MA, Jim’s folks’ elegant house on Brimmer Street for three months.

~730 Broadway, Haverhill MA—parsonage, 10 years, final baby.

~Herb Webster, just up the street, two months while house building.

~25 Liberty St, Haverhill—53 years in the house we built with our own 10 handseight grandchildren, five great-grands.

~And NOW we’re moving to our final home—Assisted Living, Apartment 230 at Benchmark’s Greystone Farm in Salem, NH.

How life has changed over 90 years—both physically and spiritually! I went to Sunday school as soon as I could  sit in a chair, and one of the first books I was able to read ended with an invitation to accept Jesus, to which I said, “OF COURSE!” Other key transitions came as a teenager, but Wheaton College laid the foundation for a life of

caring and serving my Lord.

Somewhere in my latter years, my focus switched from self to others, and I found joy in hugging everyone in sight. Now in assisted living, I’ll have a new batch of hug recipients.

A good read!

In my early years, my focus was on horses (a big draw), but that shifted to music (organ and choir), then to writing (articles, short stories, six published novels), and currently to blogging. A full and interesting life. Now we’re having to deal with 53 years of household clutter—giving away or tossing most of it. My word of advice: Don’t wait till you’re 90 before starting that process!

My final move is still to come—date unknown but destination clear. The meaning and purpose of my life will become known, and LOVE will be my watchword.

My house count is 11 + 1. What’s yours?

Please tell me your stories, either below or on