MV5BNDAxNzI5NDI0N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTc2Njk3OA@@._V1_SX214_AL_How long since you’ve watched the movie Harvey? Recently, we saw a remake. No Jimmy Stewart, but it was still delightful, and Elwood P. Dowd remained genuinely kind, cheerful, caring, and relational.
In case you’ve been deprived, Elwood P. Dowd is an eccentric whose best friend is a white rabbit, 6 feet 3 ½ inches tall. Elwood is the only one who can see Harvey, though others sometimes catch a glimpse.
Elwood’s sister Veta tires of this “delusional” business and takes him to a psychiatric facility where a single shot will remove the delusion and make him “normal.” While Elwood waits cheerfully for the treatment, a cab driver tells Veta that the before-and-after effects of the shot on many of his customers is striking. On the ride to the clinic, they are cheerful, caring, generous tippers. On the ride back, though, they are cranky, mean, and give no tip. At this, Veta has a sudden change of mind. Harvey is not such a bad fellow, after all.
Jesus might have used this quirky tale as fodder for his take-home lessons.
1. The Holy Spirit walks beside us as our unseen paraclete/companion, filling us with the joy of the Lord.
2. In the Garden of Eden, Satan held out the promise of mankind becoming “normal”—knowing evil, as well as good. Adam and Eve fell for the “shot,” and we’ve been grumpy ever since.
3. The Holy Spirit, like Harvey, is invisible, but some rare individuals get glimpses of the REAL reality that one day will be plain for all to see. The effects of the Spirit in the lives of believers does bring out the “Harvey” in us.
Quotes from Harvey:
Elwood P. Dowd: Years ago my mother used to say to me, she’d  say, “In this world, Elwood, you must be”—she always called me Elwood—”In this world, Elwood, you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant.” Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant. You may quote me.
Elwood P. Dowd: Miss Kelly, perhaps you’d like this flower. I seem to have misplaced my buttonhole. You know, when you wear my flowersflower, Miss Kelly, you make it beautiful.
Mailman: Beautiful day . . .
Elwood P. Dowd: Oh, every day is a beautiful day.
Long live Harvey!