Linda Jensen leads a relatively quiet life in Westchester County, New York, as the owner of a highly-acclaimed garden. Inherited from her parents, the garden is her pride and joy. What is not so joyful is finding a strange man sprawled near her delphiniums! The mysterious man is sick, unable to do anything more than drink water—and beg for secrecy. Ignoring all alarm bells, Linda sees to his needs, but her caring act takes on unexpected significance, an unpresentable glory.


For a Time . . .

ANTS Every spring, Jim has been putting nasty stuff around our house to persuade our local ants to cease and desist. Didn’t work this year. Checked the label; long expired. Enter son Lee with a simpler solution. Mix an equal amount of borax, sugar, and water (a half...

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LIKE TO versus HAVE TO‚ a "me 'n God" thing

ELLIE, what do you LIKE to do? a)     Love on God and on people. b)    Write stories. c)     Garden. What do you HAVE to do? a)     Maintain a nutritious devotional life. b)    Write a LOT of stuff, very little of it having to do with story. Church things, email and...

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What are Two Squirrels Worth?

Hearing a high-pitched sound while working at my computer, I rushed outdoors to see if an eagle had settled in our locust tree. (Fat chance of that!) No eagle; just a small, distressed squirrel in an old wagon on our porch. Making its way to the driveway, it was...

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"He Descended into Hell"

This phrase is taken from the early, traditional version of the Apostles’ Creed that says, “He was crucified, dead, and buried. He descended into hell. And on the third day he rose again from the dead”. Most church groups no longer say it that way, but it gives a...

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The Birth of a Book

My book Dynamo just came a-borning. It's gestation was long, but its actual conception goes way back. All my life I've been making up stories, and I came across this one in my mental file drawer. It had potential, so I dusted and plumped till it began to take shape. I...

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Author Eleanor Gustafson

Content Copyright 2018 - Eleanor Gustafson