Linda Jensen leads a relatively quiet life in Westchester County, New York, as the owner of a highly-acclaimed garden. Inherited from her parents, the garden is her pride and joy. What is not so joyful is finding a strange man sprawled near her delphiniums! The mysterious man is sick, unable to do anything more than drink water—and beg for secrecy. Ignoring all alarm bells, Linda sees to his needs, but her caring act takes on unexpected significance, an unpresentable glory.


As If Snow Weren't Enough…

We own a multi-generational cottage in Rumney NH. Jim’s folks, Walter and Lilly Gustafson, built it in the 1960s. Jim’s sister and husband, Lois and Bob Draper, became missionaries and thus homeless, so they moved in after the folks vacated. Bob died, Lois moved, so...

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Blasts From the Past

Winter is in the eye of the beholder. When I was a kid, winter was full of joy. Have you ever experienced the delicious crunch of snow under your feet in zero temps? I’ve wondered what southern-born children ever got out of winter. Cold and wet can be endured, but...

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A Journey in Two Directions

We just got home from a trip to Florida. Do I hear you say BOR-ING? Maybe yes, maybe no. I’ll try to make this a different sort of travelogue.  Direction 1: The weather was just fine—a little rain here and there, a lot of clouds and only a few days of shorts weather,...

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New Years—Which Way to Look?

MOST PEOPLE look forward, but at 3:30 one morning, I decided to look back.  WHAT THREE THINGS HAVE HAD THE GREATEST IMPACT ON MY LIFE? Hard to whittle to three, but I’ll try. The first has to be my acceptance of God’s invitation to join his family. No specific date;...

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SuperKids Part 3

How can I describe Lee? My favorite photo speaks volumes of who he is and the joy he has brought to us. No birthing horrors with this one. Told the doctor I wanted to be awake for his birth, but first thing you know, there's the doc by my bed, saying, "You have a...

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Author Eleanor Gustafson

Content Copyright 2018 - Eleanor Gustafson