Linda Jensen leads a relatively quiet life in Westchester County, New York, as the owner of a highly-acclaimed garden. Inherited from her parents, the garden is her pride and joy. What is not so joyful is finding a strange man sprawled near her delphiniums! The mysterious man is sick, unable to do anything more than drink water—and beg for secrecy. Ignoring all alarm bells, Linda sees to his needs, but her caring act takes on unexpected significance, an unpresentable glory.
Decoration Day
DOES MY BLOG TITLE MEAN ANYTHING TO YOU? When I was a child, Decoration Day was a Big Deal. We went to the attic for our little bundle of flags, the biggest of which was maybe 2 x 3 feet. Seemed huge to us. We would put them out on May 30 in preparation for the modest...
Better is One Day . . .
Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I’d rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in tents of wickedness. What did biblical gatekeepers do? Here’s the short list: They guarded the gates of the house of the Lord—east, west, north...
Descended Cont.
—every thread crafted by human hands from the twisted fabric of rebellion against the great I AM. It lay exposed before him: instruments of torture on tables of blood, vomit, and tears; every conceivable torment that had been or was yet to be devised by humankind....
"He Descended into Hell"
This is a two-part depiction of Jesus' real suffering. Click the link at the end to finish the story. A phrase, taken from the early, traditional version of the Apostles’ Creed, says, “He was crucified, dead, and buried. He descended into hell. And on the third day he...
Tastes of Grace
WHAT DID YOU DO THE WEEK OF THE BLIZZARD? Here's our story: After stopping at a Vermont birthday party for a taste of love and friendship, we headed for Strasburg, PA, and the Sight & Sound production of Jonah. Our tickets were for…umm…the day of the blizzard....
Content Copyright 2018 - Eleanor Gustafson