I happened on a Gaelic Rune (a poem or saying from way back) that spoke to my heart. Yestreen means “yesterday evening”. Read it carefully.

I saw a stranger yestreen.
I put food in the eating place, in the sacred name of the Triune.
He blessed myself and my house, my cattle and my dear ones.
And the lark said in her song, “Often, often, often, goes the Christ in the stranger’s guise.

Hmm…does Jesus sometimes sneak up on us unexpectedly?


Who in your life has brought you that sort of deep blessing—at the time, or perhaps more in remembrance?


Two people blessed me.


Mrs. Treible taught fifth and sixth grade (4-room schoolhouse)—a good woman and a good teacher. One day, she read Psalm 104, a long one—aloud. Not in the flag-and-Bible, opening-exercises slot. This was totally unexpected. I may have been the only pupil in the room who was paying attention, but that nature psalm caught me up with the birds of the air, the grass of the fields, and the creatures of the wild.

How many are your works, Lord!
    In wisdom you made them all;
    the earth is full of your creatures. (vs 24)

I went home and read the psalm multiple times, rooting it in my heart.


Later, during my teen years,

Lydie, my other woman of blessing, taught me horseback riding and the ability to see and feel nature—birds, flowers, and her “lilies of the field”. She would never win a beauty contest and was a chain smoker, but she knew her Bible, and she knew kids, though she had none of her own. Our hearts opened under her tutelage.


A more difficult question: Have YOU been a blessing to some other person? That’s harder to assess. We can, however, in the Name of the Triune, “put food in the eating place, bless house, cattle, and dear ones” and allow the Christ within us to apply an eternal blessing through us.

I will sing to the Lord all my life;
    I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.
 May my meditation be pleasing to him,
    as I rejoice in the Lord. (Psalm 104:33, 34)


Please tell me your stories, either below or egus@me.com (click to activate)
We can bless each other!