My book Dynamo just came a-borning. It’s gestation was long, but its actual conception goes way back. D. smallAll my life I’ve been making up stories, and I came across this one in my mental file drawer. It had potential, so I dusted and plumped till it began to take shape.
I conceived it as a horse story with Christian characters, but then the book started taking on a life of its own. God characteristics showed up in the plotting, and questions arose: Who is God, really? What does he ask of us? Jeth learns the answers slowly through a series of strange and sometimes frightening events. 
Enter Maybelle, all on her own—a bit of old lace who serves as Jeth’s  interpreter to keep him on track. She’s a piece of work! You should read how she takes control of Jeth’s baptism! (page 90)
Slowly, word by word, the story grew. Then at full term and under the skilled hands of midwife/editor Courtney Hartzel of Whitaker House, the novel came forth. Dynamo—birthed.
Sophia Evangeline ZieglerHowever, as babies emerge totally helpless, so books cannot be admired, then left for the publisher to feed the public’s reading appetite. Not these days. Publishers do what they can, but now it’s Facebook, Shelfari, GoodReads, Linkedin, author groups, Amazon author page, Fiction Finder—and, of course, blogs. If I seem to be nagging here, I am. PLEASE buy Dynamo, read it, then post a review on Amazon, CBD, and later on Barnes & Noble. These days, it’s not enough that people like your book. Reviews are everything in the marketing world. I have ten so far but am aiming for 100.
Note: If reviewing is not your schtick, it’s all right just to tell me how you liked it. Encouraging words of any sort put starch in my spine.
As a fetus is indeed fully human, so a book-in-the-making takes on personality of its own, making it well worth the inconvenience of bringing it into the light. Thank God for babies and for books!
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If you didn’t see this last time, take a peek.
PS—Does anyone recognize the newborn baby in the photo?