Tree Farming Quiz
I, having been a tree farmer for 50 years, know a few things about trees. How much do you know? Email your answers to these question, and if you get them all right, I’ll send you one of our tour gifts. [See below]
Do tree farms mainly grow Christmas trees?
- Acorns come from what tree?
- Besides thinning, what can a tree farmer do to improve the market value of white pine?
- Most maple syrup comes from sugar maple. Can syrup be made from other trees?
- Approximately how many gallons of sap does it take to make one gallon of syrup?
- What is a conifer? Can you name any? Can you name a conifer that sheds in the fall?
- The needles of what conifer go into fragrant bags or pillows?
- From what tree are baseball bats made?
- Rate the heat value of these firewoods—high to low (listed alphabetically).
- Ash
- Basswood
- Beech
- Black birch
- White birch
- Here in the Northeast, do trees need to be planted after every logging?
The tour? That’s Saturday, Oct. 4, on our forest acreage in Chester VT, from 9 AM to 2 PM. Walks and talks and even a felling/milling demo. I’d LOVE to have you come. Email for directions and details. A good time GUARANTEED!
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How many authors do you know well enough to talk to? You know me; that’s one, but how about EIGHT, all on the same afternoon and in the same room? And supposing you happened to hold the door-prize ticket for a Kindle Paperwhite? How cool would that be? Click the URL to get the skinny on this event, Saturday, Nov. 1, at Bonhoeffer’s Café & Expresso in Nashua, from 2 to 5:30.
Here is an interview with author Nancy Ferrin to give you a taste of our afternoon fare:
This is good stuff, and I’ll be there, ready with a smile for you.
That’s TWO CHANCES to make me a happy camper—October 4 and November 1!
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