Linda Jensen leads a relatively quiet life in Westchester County, New York, as the owner of a highly-acclaimed garden. Inherited from her parents, the garden is her pride and joy. What is not so joyful is finding a strange man sprawled near her delphiniums! The mysterious man is sick, unable to do anything more than drink water—and beg for secrecy. Ignoring all alarm bells, Linda sees to his needs, but her caring act takes on unexpected significance, an unpresentable glory.
Three Weeks on the Road
What's the takeaway value of a three-week trip to the Midwest? What scenic wonders did you take in? Not any, really. How many photos did you take? A few. How much rest did you get? None to speak of, though a little with Eric, Sue Beth, and April in northern Wisconsin....
Slum Lord
In the wake of last week's post on the dearth of birds and bees, I would like you to meet a brand-new tenant that came to us this year—new not only to our yard, but to its chosen abode. We are delighted. Up till now, none of our available housing choices has held any...
Of Birds and Bugs
Bugs are a pain. Sometimes they bite, and sometimes their bite kills. Think Lyme's disease, West Nile and malaria. Bugs get in your house, make nuisances of themselves. Who in their right mind would grumble about a clean windshield in bug season? Who would complain...
Popeye Spinach
When I was roughly 12 and ready to join the church, the pastor gave me his private Talk (which I don't remember), but also a small devotional book put together by Robert Speer that I still drink deeply from. I don't think I was terribly impressed at the time but now...
Original Sin
Now that the title has turned you off, let me try to turn you back on. Come with me to an art gallery. I'm looking at great paintings—Rembrandt, Renoir, Cezanne, Giotto. One of them catches my eye—Constable's Hay Wain, a pastoral scene that takes me back to my roots...
Content Copyright 2018 - Eleanor Gustafson