Meet Ellie
Learn more about Ellie Gustafson
Eleanor Gustafson
My life has been full and rich, a grand mix of tears and laughter. God has been kind and gentle with me from before I can remember. The gift of writing is just one of many opportunities he has given me to reflect his glory and to bring a ray of light into other people’s lives. By his grace I am indeed “a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season.” (Psalm 1:3)
What have I done in life? Everything from being a minister’s wife, teacher, musician, writer, and encourager, to horses, building houses, tree farming and making maple syrup – all of which has been helpful fodder for writing fiction. My passion is God, and then comes loving people and writing. My favorite books are the Bible, Jane Eyre, and Pride and Prejudice. My music of choice is classical – it feeds my soul. However, wherever worship is going on in whatever musical language, I’m there—happily.
I have a wonderful family. A little weird, perhaps, but our three children and eight grandchildren remind us that life goes way beyond the making of books. For more on them, see Family.
Ellie’s short stories and articles have appeared in a number of national and local magazines. Her pallet of experiences has helped bring color and humor to her fiction. In many of her stories, Ellie explores the cosmic struggle between good and evil in light of God’s overarching work of redemption.
PLEASE EMAIL ME– I’d love to hear from you!
My Latest Release
An Upresentable Glory
From the Preface:
An Unpresentable Glory is a love story, but not a romance in the technical sense. I want readers to recognize love in its many guises, not all of them comfortable or socially approachable. Our hearts long for God’s love, and that, too, may come in unexpected ways. Watch for His appearances in this story, and enjoy the ride.
From reviewers:
“Phenomenal storytelling, and the novel’s character presentations are brilliant and gripping. A page turner with a better-than-expected ending.” ~ Harold Wolf
“Wow; just w.o.w. I wish I could give this unparalleled story ten stars.” ~Anne Baxter Campbell
Content Copyright 2018 - Eleanor Gustafson